The soothing sounds of 'Reflective'
You Decide (EP)

Reflective is a new musical collective consisting of known artists Offs, BRLY, Davecreates and newcomer Frxncsca. Together they form a common sound that blends all of their individual musical tastes as shown in their solo works and cook up a Neo-Soul, hip hop feel that will make Floetry and DeLaSoul proud. So good in fact that they have debuted not just one, not even two, but three songs as a group. Named after the first track, ‘YOU DECIDE’ which is reflective (no pun intended) of letting go of our own way to receive and fully follow God’s will. Getting into the tracks themselves, the title track rolls back the curtain to some warming harmonisations as we gear up for a smooth listening experience before the chorus kicks in. Frxncsca takes on the first verse, introducing her artistry to new listeners. Her lyrics are punchy and crisp as are Offs’ on the second verse. Overall, the EP gets off to a good start with the acknowledgement that God is running this thing and gets to decide where to go. Track 2, I See the Vision, builds up the bounce in the music slightly, with BRLY doing his thing on the chorus. Tackling the way we deal with problems and the journey in shifting perspective, this is directed to us to let all experiences help us mature in our relationships with God. With track 3, Solace, you have to move at least a little bit. The name is self-explanatory, but there’s a lot of celebration and resolve in this last song. It must be mentioned that all four members of Reflective are talented rappers and singers who beautifully utilise both vocal styles like Lauryn Hill. And what I appreciate about the EP is that they truly do give each other the space to shine on each song, even as far as some of them happily being the best background voices while the others really lead the track as with You Decide the song. The term collective is truly translated as teamwork for this group and I do so hope there is more on the horizon even while they have separate songs in the kitchen.