Lyrical_Levite lives his truth
Candor (Album)

Faith, Healing, Truth. These are the driving forces behind Lyrical Levite
and his approach to making music. Levite breaks boundaries and
stigmas attached to trauma with his new album ‘Candor. He addresses
past taboos head on while opening up about his own trials and
tribulations. He raps candidly about his past, present, and future over
beats produced and engineered by his team based in Guatemala.
Opening up early with the album titled track “ Candor”, Levite
immediately talks about struggles with past relationships and his need
to express the truth. “My team and I knew we wanted to put out this
project based on the truth and breaking the generational curse of
silence” says Lyrical Levite. If this is what he was aiming for, he hit the
mark by staying true to his experiences and struggles. As you hear him
rap on songs like “Never Again” and “Liela”, the sincerity in his words
shine through. These tracks draw attention because the production
gives us that heavy trap influence that we’re used to hearing in most
music, but with a completely different message.